How to Avoid a Hangover

Tips, Advice & Experience on How To Avoid Hangovers

How to Avoid a Hangover Field Report – Ultimate Breakfast – Fruit Smoothie and Eggs

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Seeing as how I’ve spent the last few blog posts telling you what’s going to make you feel worse I felt I should at least give you insight on something that is guaranteed to make you feel better.. After all, the blog is called “how to avoid a hangover” not how to make one worse. Even if you’ve heard it a thousand times before I’m here to tell you again to convince you to try it if you haven’t already – Fruit Smoothies. Of course it’s common knowledge that alcohol will drain you of lots of your vitamins, hell, it seems lots of your life for the next day but one thing that got me through my, what seemed like a never ending binge last year was frozen fruit smoothies. It was a morning ritual when I woke up at 9am feeling like crap the next day on no sleep to throw myself out of bed and in a drunken haze make a fruit smoothie;  usually consisted of banana, strawberry, mixed berries, and an orange. After chugging it down I’d go back to sleep but when I woke up the second time at around noon, life would feel a little bit better.

Not only did the fruits replenish lots of the vitamins I had lost there’s also lots of antioxidants in all the fruits to break down the left over alcohol in the pit of death that is your body. Having this right in the morning also put something (that wasn’t crap) into my stomach and helped to dilute the pool of vodka that had been left behind. Now I’m sure it’s pretty obvious that fruit is going to make a difference but you’d be surprised at how much of a difference it can actually make, it was honestly one of the factors that allowed me to drink on 10 day binges last summer… and last summer is when I probably needed the info on how to avoid a hangover most.

If you want to make the ultimate breakfast a long with the fruit smoothie a few eggs and some toast work pretty well. Eggs contain something in it called “cysteine” which actually helps break down the acetaldehyde (toxins from alcohol) in the liver which can help extremely in the how to avoid a hangover game. It’s essentially a back up force to help rid of all the leftover toxins that your body hasn’t broken down which is one of the main causes of a hangover.

You may have heard it plenty of times before but by pulling off this ultimate breakfast you’re definitely going to feel like less of a dead body the next day. In this case study on how to avoid a hangover we reviewed something that will actually have major effects on replenishing the nutrients and taking out the toxins. Throw in some water in combination and you have yourself a recovery just in time to hit the liquor store and start drinking before lunch.



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